Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hi Bloggers,

Remember I said I wouldn't forget about you during the break. Just in case any of you would like to continue to write over the break, I'll check your blogspots every few days. If not, I'll see in you in August. Have a wonderful summer break.

Ms. Linda

Monday, July 23, 2007

Ann and her Family; Dany's trip to Haiti

Hi Book Club Members!

1)Here are some vocabulary words for the next two sections:






2)Describe Ann's feelings at mass.

3)What happened to Dany's parents?

4)Describe some of the differences between Claude and his Haitian relatives.

5)Over the three week break, finish the entire book. Then write a post where you pretend to write a letter to friend. Tell your friend what the entire book was about. Also, explain why you would or would not recommend the book.
Let's all read and respond to each other's posts during the break.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thinking About Nadine

Feel to answer any or all of these questions. Or, you may write your own ideas about what you are reading. Remember to comment on each other's posts. If you have any questions, let me know.

1)How would you describe Nadine's personality to someone?

2)Why do you think she avoids her parents?

3)Before our next reading, try finding out the meanings of some of these words:




